
Ok, so for whoever’s reading these blogs please know and understand that I am only trying to educate people who are interested to learn more about how to be eco friendly - rather than ‘forcing’ the issue on to someone who doesn’t care. For instance my husband 😅

Since having Mia at the end of last year and realising how many single use items get thrown in the bin - with children in particular, I decided to change my ways and concert to cloth (there will be plenty of blogs on this particular issue I’m sure!), but also how we operate at home in general. 

This has quickly become a passion and I’m constantly searching for new ways to improve our eco friendly efforts. A Mumma recently connected with me on Instagram and asked me about my cloth nappies and told me about her new Facebook page ‘Eco-Friendly Families’. At the moment it’s a small group of people who are sharing their new ideas / things they’ve seen on their travels with tips and things. 

A couple days ago a website / app called ‘Share Waste (’ was put up and I immediately jumped on and signed up. Here’s a little snippet from the website. 

What is ShareWaste?

We connect people who wish to recycle their kitchen scraps with their neighbours who are already composting, worm-farming or keep chickens. Now you can divert waste from landfill while getting to know the people around you!
I’m excited to report that I contacted 2 people and made my first donation of food scraps to a local gent to feed his chickens!! I’m happy that I’ve found a way for our food scraps to be used for good - rather than end up in landfill. 
I hope this post encourages even 1 of you to jump over and sign up - because if we all did our part to help the environment, it will be a lot in the end. 
Trish x


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