I think I’m starting to get a bit of anxiety about trying to get Peighton ready and out the door these days. Her attitude in general is next level and I am constantly battling her when she tells me ‘stop being rude’, ‘I don’t like your attitude’ or ‘you need to be quiet’ and trying to explain to her the difference between Mummy disciplining her and being down right rude. 

This morning we all slept in since it was such a terrible night. Mia was on the boob 3/4 of the night and Ian battled with Peighton for about an hour and a half in the early hours of the morning to get her back to bed. So when we got up to go to work I let her sleep in late - and had planned to give her breakfast at daycare. Since apparently is an hour long event these days 🙄 #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat. 

So all she had to do was wake up, wee, get dressed brush her hair etc, put shoes on and walk out the door. I wish it was that easy for me - oh wait. It was... BEFORE KIDS 😅

Anyways, I asked her to choose some clothes. Her response was ‘no Mum I want you to’. So after I had finished what I was doing I chose some daycare clothes. Apparently they were wrong and P decided to choose her own clothes. Great. Off she goes. She comes out and they’re inside out. Before I breastfed Mia I wanted to put them the right way so she could dress herself. Nope. Doesn’t want my help. Gets herself down to her undies in the freezing cold of the morning and can’t continue because she can’t turn her clothes the right way and starts playing with her toys. I tell her she needs to get dressed and before she catches a cold. Which is when she starts yelling ‘I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO IT’. So I explain ‘that’s why Mummy offered to help you do it before, when I wasn’t busy feeding Mia’. So poor Mia gets disturbed while I try and get clothes on the toddler. 


She chooses shoes and socks today. Fine. Proceeds to put her socks on (which she very well knows how to do!). Here I was thinking we’re on a winning streak. KIDDING! It’s just where the ‘fun’ really begins. 

She gets one sock on and starts kicking around because ‘it’s not on properly’. I bend down and pretend to check (I can clearly see its on right). ‘Darling you’ve done a great job. It’s on perfect. Exactly how it’s meant to be worn’. ‘But it’s on my toes’ she cries. ‘YES PEIGHTON. THAT’S WHERE SOCKS GO’. 

Theres more back and fourth ‘chat’ for about 10 minutes before I start threatening I’ll leave her behind if she doesn’t hurry up and get ready. I start taking loads out to the car packmule style when she starts screaming and carrying on, regardless of the fact it’s my normal routine of taking 2 loads to the car before loading the kids. 

I come inside and attempt to brush her hair with more screaming, pulling away and crying. 

It honestly doesn’t end, but fortunately this blog post does! So what I’m trying to say is HELP!! I don’t know how to conquer this. I explain nicely. We give her ‘chances’ to get ready herself. We talk to her the night before about our plans for the morning so she knows what to expect. She loves daycare though and even asks to go on weekends. So I’m at a loss. These tantrums even happen in public and are really hard to deal with a kicking and screaming child when you’ve got an 8 month old in your other arm and you don’t want every Tom, Dick and Harry watching you.

I know I’ve still got another 350 days of THREENAGER to go, but please tell me 4 year olds are alot nicer? 😅 

Trish x

1 comment

  • Sounds very stressful!

    Unfortunately I don’t have a whole lot of advice, Angus doesn’t go to day care so it’s very rare we have a morning with a time frame (unless it’s an appointment but I usually schedule these for 8am, before Ry’s nap or around 10:30 so it’s after her nap).

    Maybe she could pick her clothes out that night before bed? So she can put them on in the morning. Hide allll the complicated shoes! Hahaha I have a love/hate relationship with Angus’ laced converses 😂

    And remember, that days are long but the years are short, one day we will miss these moments xx


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