Two’s a party, Three’s a crowd?

Or is it? 

I’m having constant battles with myself about whether or not to try for another baby - and hopefully it be a boy! 😅

I’ve only ever seen myself with two kids. After Peighton we knew we wanted another and I kept EVERYTHING for the second time around. Obviously it worked out for the best because we had another girl and were able to reuse majority of what I’d saved. 

Even while I was pregnant with #2 I was confident I was done. After Mia outgrew each outfit and piece of furniture it felt good to sell it on marketplace or give to friends. Within the first year I was adamant I was still not having more  

But now 18 months later I keep getting asked where #3 is and hubby wants to try again for that boy. Some days I entertain the idea and think ‘what if’. Then other days it’s the last damn thing on my mind!!! I want the kids close in age so we didn’t have to go through that ‘baby’ stage several times or store things forever. 

I feel a sense of relief each time something is able to get off the floor and out the house. Eg baby play mat or baby bouncer. I’m glad we get to sleep through every night (except when there’s illness in the house). I really missed my sleep and Mia took nearly a year to start sleeping through! 

Peighton should be starting prep next year and already that makes for 2 seperate drop offs and pick ups each day. Swimming lessons are hard and not able to be done alone so there always need to be 2 adults that attend each week. 

I’m so busy with work and my biz that I’m not sure I’d have time for another and I’m loving being financially independent again and having a place and time to be somewhere. 

But catch me watching a baby show or seeing pregnancy announcements and I feel unsure. 😅💔


How and when will I ever know if I’m done? I’m nearly 30 and don’t want to be pregnant while celebrating that. Due to COVID19 I haven’t been able to experience going out and not having to worry about breastfeeding times since giving it up, but already that feels refreshing not to think about. 



1 comment

  • I have 5 girls. I desperately wanted to have a boy and had to accept it wouldn’t happen. To add insult to injury after having 5 girls I had an unplanned pregnancy 6months after my youngest came along. I was carrying twin boys I knew I mentally and financially couldnt keep. My advice would be to think it through well because 2 is company and 3 is a crowd. 2 is very much manageable. I still get clucky but I know my time to carry kids is finished as I’m sure I will likely become a nanna is 10yrs and I’d like to hope my kids need me like I needed my mum. All the best.

    Laura Davis

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